
This coming Saturday, September 19th, 2020, will mark 5 years since we lost the incomparable, Jake Brewer.

To honor this moment, and the powerful and important ways that Jake’s memory continues to shine so brightly in the world and in our lives, we are asking you to share a short video reflection of how Jake continues to inspire you.

Given the circumstances of the world make it difficult for us (Jake’s beloved community and “Karass”) to convene in person, we’ll compile these short videos into a tribute to share this coming Saturday with his entire community.

Please submit your video (ideal submission is 1-2 minutes long) by Friday, so we will all have a chance to honor Jake this Saturday in the company of one another’s memories.

Jessy Tolkien

Questions to answer in your video

  • How has Jake’s life and memory continued to inspire and shape your life?

  • What’s a special memory or reflection you hold dear about your relationship with Jake Brewer?

  • Answer one, answer both, but please submit your video!


During these past 5 years perhaps the most remarkable living tribute to his life has been his amazing daughters G & G, growing in to two dynamic and spirited little ladies. We hope these tributes (when / if MK feels it’s right moment and appropriate) also serve as a way for them to capture a glimpse of what their Dad meant to so many.
